Mission Picture

Mission Picture
We're in Africa!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Dinner is served! This is an example of how people carry things on their heads. When we saw her we had to look closely at what she was selling and then we noticed that what she was carrying was crawling over the side of her bowl. Snails anyone?


  1. Ewwww...snails are just slugs in a shell....GAG! made my skin shiver just looking at the picture. Hi April...so fun to see your blog. Hope you are well.

    1. Isn't the thought of eating one of these disgusting? They like them here. The shells are pretty but the snails are not! Ewwww is right! We are doing fine and keeping busy putting in wells and latrines. Nice to hear from you. Hope all is well.

    2. I'm wondering how they cook those things? Or do they?

  2. I'd try one of those (if it was cooked in enough butter & garlic). :) The real question is: Has Mike been able to find a good burger there?

    1. Nope, there are no good burgers in Liberia. Should help my cholesterol though
